Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Goodbye Summer, Hello Fall.

It's that time of year again folks. Trees become bare as their crisp leaves fall to the ground and scatter across paths. Cool winds twirl about and infiltrate your windows leaving clues of wintery nights soon to come. Aromas of pumpkin and cinnamon fill the air as you're perspiring profusely in 90 degree weather. Wait, what? Ok, maybe that last one only applies to us Floridians but if you're in pretty much any other state, there's chances that you're experiencing these first signs of Fall. Now, I've made it known before just how much I love summer, and I really, really do. But I think that my love for summer comes mostly from a lifetimes absence of fall. I've never lived in a place where all four seasons made their presence known. Living in Florida almost always guaranteed prolonged seasons of summer and a maybe a week or two of "winter". And I'm ok with it. But that doesn't mean that I can't love the fall for all the reasons anyone else would! And of course the main reason being Fall Fashion. Stroll along with me as I jump into a few fashionable reasons to love this season.


Ankle boots, Riding boots, Combat, oh my! 

Deep Plum Lip Colors and Rich Shadowy Tones!

Explore richer makeup looks and put the nude colors and pink tones back until next year.


Daring Denim

I'm loving bold colored denim and eye-catching prints for fall! Pair with any type of boot and finish with a deeper toned makeup look to complete the entire package!

Share some of your favorite Fall looks with me on Twitter @Hey_itsToni! Until next time!  xoxo Toni

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